Pic 1(above) ; Pic 2 (below)
The history of Seletar Base and Jalan Kayu is tied to that of Serangoon gardens as Serangoon Gardens was widely used for housing the RAF servicemen in the 1960s. The servicemen stayed in mostly single or double storey houses, some of which still exist today intact at Serangoon Gardens private housing estate.
Pic 1 : Shows a hawker who goes door to door to sell her food. A scene that has disappeared from Singapore completely.
Pic 2: Snapped around 1966, this is what Serangoon Gardens looked like. There was a movie theatre there too!
Still haven't solved the mystery of whether Garden or Gardens.
Great job guys. Good luck with you exams.
It is Gardens. Dont ask me why but I remembered the spelling
I remember Paramount Theatre and the orange slush in its snack shop,the lending library,fish and chips shop nearby and New Year Celabrations with lights and dragon dances .