Old Jalan Kayu Photographs

This is a picture of my late great grandmother standing near the chicken coop

This is a picture of the tomatoes that my grandmother and my late great grandmother grew.

This is the sap of the rubber tree dripping into a cup. From this, we can infer that rubber trees once grew in the district of Jalan Kayu

This is a picture of my 1st uncle under a tree within the compound of the house

This is a picture of my 1st uncle standing underneath a papaya tree beside the toilet. This is a view of the kampong in Jalan Kayu.

This is a picture of my 1st uncle wearing boots. Clearly, he is helping out with the farming.

Bird eye view of the fish farm

This is a picture of my 2nd uncle and my father standing on the walkway of my late grandfather's fish farm This is my 1st and 2nd uncle standing in front of the pathway that leads them out of the forest to their school, Ju Eng Primary School, now, Ju Eng home of the Elderly.

This is my father standing at the side of their place. As you can see, their place is very big.

This is a picture of my 1st, 2nd uncle and my father standing in front of their house front porch and my late great grandmother sitting by her rocking chair in the front porch.

This a a picture of my dad and youngest uncle. They are standing at their backyard at home playing.

This is one of the old photographs I found in my Grandmother's place. It is a picture of my 2nd uncle standing in front of what I can make out as a house. It may be his house in the old district of Jalan Kayu.

Published by: Wendy Chua


Unknown said…
I love your old photographs. Although they are your family photo, they look so familiar to you. I grewed up in a kampong in the vicinity of Jalan Kayu and the photo bring back so much fond memory of my childhood. Everything looks familar to me, the fish farm, the rubber tree, the forest, houses surrounded by the coconut trees, even the pathway leading out of the forest to Ju Eng Primary School. Thanks for sharing your photographs.
Anonymous said…
Hey, i love your pics !! I attended Ju Eng primary school when young. I missed jalan kayu & the school. Nothing seems the same now. Well, the famous loti prata shop is still there. I visited that 2 years back.
Unknown said…
Hi Lynn, I attended Ju Eng Primary school as well. When were you there? I was there from 1969 to 1974. Did we happen to overlap? Better still, were you be one of my classmates at Ju Eng?
Anonymous said…
Hi All
I oso from Ju Eng,1961-66.Much older than any of you.
Can Wendy tell me where did you take those photo? Behind Ju Eng? I have a lot of classmates staying there.
I stayed opposite Ju Eng, Lor Kesum (something like this), parallel to Lorong Tanggam.

Anonymous said…
Hi All,
I chanced upon the site after I decided to see if there is anything in the net that talks about Ju Eng School. My time there was 1967-72. By the time I left school the front gate already stopped being used. A new road to the right of the school had been built and of course the rubber plantation were on their way out... so much memory flooding back. I love your blog... I will visit your blog again.
min said…
Hi everyone, i studied in Ju eng primary school too. I was there 1977-1983. I stayed nearby. It's really old good memories....Thanks for your Jalan Kayu blog !
CHS_rock said…
Hi ! , I studied in Ju eng primary school too. I was there 1972-1977. I stayed at Jalan Tanjong Peache somewhere near Tanjong LRT.behind mu house is a rubber plantationnear Blk 407A ,got fish farm and pig farm It's really old good memories,Thanks for your Jalan Kayu blog !
CHS_rock said…
Hi ! , I studied in Ju eng primary school too. I was there 1972-1977. I stayed at Jalan Tanjong Peache somewhere near Tanjong LRT.behind my house is a rubber plantation near Blk 407A ,got fish farm and pig farm, there is a Theater (忘了什么名,X华的)at Lorong Samak.a alot of my classmate stay there.一
It's really old good memories,Thanks for your Jalan Kayu blog !
CHS_rock said…
Sorry --,it Jalan Tongkang Peache,Tongkang LRT
Anonymous said…
CHS Rock, you lived at Jalan Tongkang Peache? We must have been neighbor. There were only a few Chinese families at Jalan Tongkang Peache. They lived mainly at the end of Jalan Tongkong Peache, very close to the junction of Jalan Tongkang Peache and what is currently Gerard Drive. If you fish farms at the back of your house, could you have been from the Lee Family? I hope I remember correctly but I think the family that ran a fish farm and fish trading business is the Lee Family. I wad at Ju Eng from '69 to '75.
CHS_rock said…
Hi! I lived centre part of Tongkang Pechah,you mentioned that Gerard Drive is somewhere near to Woodbridge Hospital.
my neifhbour is lee family,you mean Lee Ah See?his brother sell Fried noodle at Ju Eng School
Unknown said…
I remember one the history teacher like to tell story "Thomas ----???
Unknown said…
白长福,廖连来,吴良米,mr ong,趙老师,严老师,
还有我们的校花 殷金美
Anonymous said…
CHS Rock, I can't remember whether the the Lee family was the Lee Ah See family. But I can still remember that they had a few brothers in the family, and their names were 李瑞'X'. The one who was about the same age as me was 李瑞同but I can't remember the names of the rest. I guess in those days,fish farming was a common thing to do, so the Lee family who was my neighbour may or may not be the same as the Lee family that lived next to you. Anyway, by today's standard, we still lived pretty close to each others and I'm sure our parents would definitely have known each other.
Anonymous said…
Steven, 哇,太厉害了,连老师的名都记得那么清楚。经你那么一提,我也想起来了。白长福喜欢讲故事,Mr Ong 是英文老师,好像被女朋友抛弃,四处乱写O.U.T., 逢人就解释O.U.T. 的意思,说O.U.T. 是 'Or U Tang' (黑油桶)。吴良米很骄傲,记得他好像住在Seletar Hill 一带的单程排屋。那时候,政府正在开始建造政府组屋,他告诉我们班他也想办进政府组屋, 不过他怕我们认为他没有钱,又赶快说你们不要以为没有钱人才住政府组屋, 有些有钱人也是住政府组屋的.

记得廖连来的名字,不过没有什么印象.也不记的殷金美. 可能那时年级太小,还不会欣赏花.
CHS_rock said…
Hi ! Anonymous
according to my classmate said,he got one relative name called"李瑞源"lived at the end of Tankong Peache,stt the pic,standing at the cntre the centre is my neighbour Lee Ah See,he operated one big fish at lim chu kang"SINGAPORE AROWANA BREEDING FARM"
long time never see him
Unknown said…
的确,那时候有些同学己住在政府组屋,多数住在Ang Mo Kio,207座,还有---.对了,还没有吃饭,等一下再写
Unknown said…

Anonymous said…
CHS Rock, yes, I know 李瑞源. He was my neighbour, the elder brother of 李瑞同. He was a number of years older than us, so we didn't play with him so much. Their family also had a lot of ponds and was in the fish trading business as well. I was always very wary of going to their house because they kept two dogs and I was kind of scared of their dogs. Their house was down a slope and on the right hand side of their house was the main 黄泥路of Jalan Tongkang Peachah. There was a provision shop with a few Malay families there and I remember I used to go to the provision shop.
Anonymous said…
Steven, 鄙姓廖,草名Ken. 请问贵姓? 可有中文名?我是1974年毕业的,大你三岁。经你那么一提,我想我家跟廖连来可能还会有些亲戚关系,最少我记得家里的长辈好像成提起过他。我也想起了万兴山,记得那有间庙,还有一个篮球场。我记得我们班组织了一支球队,叫神龙,名字还是我帮忙起的,取那神龙见首不见尾的意思。我记得骑脚踏车到万兴山的球场和别的球队比赛。说到光华戏院,我还没到过那里看过戏。小时候,看戏终是由长辈带着到五英里(如今的Yeo Chu Kang Road 和Serangoon Road 交界处一带)。那里有间戏园,忘了叫什么,就在光洋中学隔壁。

Unknown said…
说到光洋中学(kong yionh High School),那正是小弟就读的中学,1978-1982年)那里的确有国华戏院,就在现在的Highland Centre,后面好像有一间叫星光戏院的,学校的隔壁有咖啡店,书店,而书店的老板每次在jalan kayu摆地摊(pasar Malam).
Ken said…
林兄弟,对,正是国华戏院。我们看戏,不是到国华,便是到星光, 也经常到国华附近的书店买书。我的邻居李瑞同也是在那读中学. 很多事,地方,名字,我都忘了,经你一提起,童年的往事又一一呈现在眼前。真是多谢了。对了,你还没说你小时候住什么地方呢。
Unknown said…
小时侯就住在惹兰舯舡必甲.从Google map 所看到的sengkang w way 和fernvale road 的交界处,就是小弟小时候的住所.而我们的对面也是养鱼的,叫什么"ah 六"
Unknown said…
说到jln tankong pecahe,这条路不在地图上了,旧址应该是从Jalan Kayu 和senkkang w ave的交界处开始,而另一端的出口应该是gerald dr 和Eaton walk 的交界处,虽然我在那长大,这段路的后半段,是圆的还是扁的,我不很清楚,因为从没有到过,仅听妈妈说我的舅公和舅姆是住在后半段.
Ken said…
Steven, 我知道那个地方,是Jalan Tongkang Pechah 的中断。我小的时候从我家走路到聚英小学经常要经过你家。我记得你家对面是一片橡胶园. 我就是从橡胶园走出来得,是一条捷径。我家现在在地图上已找不到了,就在如今的Gerald Drive 和 Fernvale Road 408/408A 一带交界处。我家附近有一条小河,不过河水很脏。
Ken said…
林老弟,你所谓的后半段,就是目前Gerald Drive 和Eaton Walk 的交界处吧? 我家就在那.你亲戚是谁?应该是我邻居.
Unknown said…
I will be back>>>
Jackzzz said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jackzzz said…
想不到在这里会遇到旧同乡,偶系住在 jin kayu lorong samak 万兴山滴。。崇义庙隔壁那个蓝球场就系偶童年时常流连的场所。。

小时常在球场打球,放风筝。。蓝球场旁边那家有20多个孩子的家庭,桌彪,桌谢( 忽必烈 )都有跟偶打过球,他们的小妹桌卿系偶的同学啦。。 偶系小青海6号啦。。聚英学校1976年蓝球队的一员猛将(帮主将抹汗的)嘻。。

大偶2岁的哥哥是神龙队的成员,殷金美 跟偶住同座组屋AMK207,她主2楼,偶住五楼。。


三年级时玩皮,在课室爬桌子,跟几个同学。。 A ku ,明明,明山被廖连来(廖度勇),抓去 Office打屁股。。阿里巴巴跳山芭。。


Anonymous said…
真可谓人生何处不相逢。我就是神龙队的球员之一,穿11号球衣。神龙这个队名还是我给取的。你哥哥叫甚么名字?他既然是神龙队员,就肯定是和我同班。忽必烈这个外号很熟,不过想不起是谁了。光阴似箭,一转眼就四十年过去了。 回想当年,真想再重温童年美丽的记忆,切以不可能了。。。
Jackzzz said…

Anonymous said…
Jackzzz said…
yup.. 你是。。 ?
Anonymous said…
鄙姓廖。全班只有两个同学姓廖, 一个是廖亚聪,另一个就是区区在下。
Anonymous said…
Jackzzz said…
我比较迟钝,考两次小六,可能跟steven 同班过。。76,77 我都在六丙。。

我的同班同学林秀凤的家就在学校隔邻,她妈妈开杂货店。。小时候每每隔着篱笆向他们买汽水(一种不知名的汽水),还有那香喷喷,用香蕉叶包的,一包一毛钱的 nasi lemak 。。。
后来他们搬去 AMK226 巴杀继续营业。。 现在不晓得还在吗 ?
Jackzzz said…
Anonymous said…
Jackzzz 老弟,令兄水源兄一切安好?请代我向水源兄转达我的问候,就说故人在此向他问安了。
steven said…
Anonymous said…
steven said…
我也有朋友住在Lor samak,他姓洪,与我就读同一所中学。
Ken said…
林老弟,你好。多时不见,别来无恙?在email inbox 看到通知。得知老弟又post新comment, 便急不急待的打开网页,以便一览为快。又重读了老弟的旧posting,才忽然想起老弟姓林 ,而家里也是以养鱼为生。老弟可有一位哥哥,个子瘦小。他应该是在69年到74年读于聚英。他家也是在老弟所住一带,家里也是靠养鱼为生。可能是老弟你的邻居或亲戚。
jackzzz said…

你那住 Lor samak姓洪的朋友是不是叫辉灿 ?我跟他同班过。。
steven said…
steven said…
steven said…
Jackzzz said…
steven 兄,

sohcl@yahoo.com said…
Wendy, are you related to 蔡耀林,my long lost primary school mate from 聚英学校,1968~1973?

It is so excited to see that names of our respectable teachers appeared in the blog.廖连来&谢炳龙老师had ever sponsored my year end field trip!

Do ask 耀林to contact me if you happened to be his relative as I remembered his family owned a fish farm too!
Tan Hoe Peng said…
I am a Malaysian / in 光洋中学(kong Yong High School),for secondary one,one year only, year 1980 Jan to Decemeber for one year . I forgot the address of 光洋中学. I stay in Jln kayu by that time with my Malaysia relatives who make antique furniture, If I am not mistaken , the bus is 70 & 103. or ???? I remember opposite the school , year 1980, got a big fire.
Anonymous said…
Steven 林老弟,好久没听到你的音信. 一切安好否?
Unknown said…
Hi i am from ju eng pri school. 1970-1976. Right now 我们有同学聚会。还找到林群玉老师出席。我是1976 六甲班的。希望能看到更多同学出席。对了,金美是我的小六同班同学,我们已找到大约20多名同学了。